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vinxi dev

Starts Vinxi's development server for your app. By default, it looks for a app.config.js file in the current directory for your app description. You can also pass a path to a different app config file using the --config option.

vinxi dev --config path/to/your-app.js

By default, the dev server starts on port 3000. You can change this using the --port option.

vinxi dev --port 3001

vinxi build

Builds your app for production. By default, it looks for a app.config.js file in the current directory for your app description. You can also pass a path to a different app config file using the --config option.

vinxi build --config path/to/your-app.js

By default, we build your app with the node-server preset. You can change this using the --preset option or the SERVER_PRESET environment variable.

vinxi build --preset vercel-edge

# OR
SERVER_PRESET=vercel-edge vinxi build

vinxi start (experimental)

Starts a production server for your app. It looks for your recently built app in the appropriate directory based on the preset. By default, Vinxi uses the node-server preset, and looks for your app in the .output direction. You can change the preset being used using the --preset option or the SERVER_PRESET environment variable.

vinxi start --preset vercel-edge

# OR
SERVER_PRESET=vercel-edge vinxi start

vinxi serve

Starts a static file server to preview the build. Options --dir, --host, --port, --base

I.e. if you have a static site (preset: static) with a baseURL corresponding to your repo name on github (i.e. my-repo), then you can preview your build like this:

vinxi serve --dir .output/public --base /my-repo

vinxi run (experimental)

Run any typescript/javascript file within a vinxi runtime. We take care of make things like Typescript, ESM Imports, CJS Imports, etc and give you HMR powered by Vite.


vinxi run script.ts

This command is quite powerful and can be used to run any script, including server scripts, build scripts, one off tasks, etc. We expose a great scripting API from vinxi/sh (uses dax-sh).

import $ from "vinxi/sh";

await $`echo "Hello World"`; // prints "Hello World"

You can export a default function from your script and we will execute that:

export default async function () {
  console.log("Hello World");

You can also export an HTTP event handler using vinxi/http and we will start a server for you:

import { eventHandler } from "vinxi/http";

export default eventHandler(async (event) => {
  return {
    body: "Hello World",

And if you want to start the server listener yourself, you can do that too, and vinxi/listen is there to help you:

import { eventHandler, toNodeListener } from "vinxi/http";
import { listen } from "vinxi/listen";

const handler = eventHandler(async (event) => {
  return {
    body: "Hello World",

await listen(toNodeListener(handler), { port: 3000 });

vinxi version

Show the version of vinxi, vite, nitro and h3.