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Response Headers

getResponseHeaders(event): Get the response headers

export function getResponseHeaders(
  event: HTTPEvent,
): ReturnType<HTTPEvent["res"]["getHeaders"]>;

getResponseHeader(event, name): Get a response header by name

export function getResponseHeader(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  name: HTTPHeaderName,
): ReturnType<HTTPEvent["res"]["getHeader"]>;

setResponseHeaders(event, headers): Set the response headers

export function setResponseHeaders(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  headers: Record<HTTPHeaderName, Parameters<OutgoingMessage["setHeader"]>[1]>,
): void;

setResponseHeader(event, name, value): Set a response header by name

export function setResponseHeader(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  name: HTTPHeaderName,
  value: Parameters<OutgoingMessage["setHeader"]>[1],
): void;

appendResponseHeaders(event, headers): Append the response headers

export function appendResponseHeaders(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  headers: Record<string, string>,
): void;

appendResponseHeader(event, name, value): Append a response header by name

export function appendResponseHeader(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  name: HTTPHeaderName,
  value: string,
): void;

clearResponseHeaders(event, headerNames): Clear the response headers

export function clearResponseHeaders(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  headerNames?: string[],
): void;

removeResponseHeader(event, name): Remove a response header by name

export function removeResponseHeader(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  name: HTTPHeaderName,
): void;

writeEarlyHints(event, hints, cb): Write early hints

export function writeEarlyHints(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  hints: string | string[] | Record<string, string | string[]>,
  cb?: () => void,
): void;

getRequestHeaders(event): Get the request headers

export function getRequestHeaders(event: HTTPEvent): RequestHeaders;

getRequestHeader(event, name): Get a request header by name

export function getRequestHeader(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  name: HTTPHeaderName,
): RequestHeaders[string];


defineMiddleware(options): Define middleware

export function defineMiddleware(options: {
    | import("h3")._RequestMiddleware
    | import("h3")._RequestMiddleware[];
    | import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware
    | import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware[];
}): {
    | import("h3")._RequestMiddleware
    | import("h3")._RequestMiddleware[]
    | undefined;
    | import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware
    | import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware[]
    | undefined;


sendError(event, error, debug): Send an error

export function sendError(event: HTTPEvent, error: any, debug?: any): void;

createError({ statusCode, statusMessage, data }): Create an error

export function createError({
}: {
  statusCode?: number;
  statusMessage?: string;
  data?: any;
}): Error;


useBase(base, handler): Use a base

export function useBase(base: string, handler: RequestHandler): RequestHandler;


sendProxy(event, options): Send a proxy

export function sendProxy(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  options: {
    target: string | URL;
    [key: string]: any;
): Promise<void>;

proxyRequest(event, options): Proxy a request

export function proxyRequest(
  event: HTTPEvent,
  options: {
    target: string | URL;
    [key: string]: any;
): Promise<void>;


Get query

function getQuery<
    Event extends H3Event<EventHandlerRequest> = H3Event<EventHandlerRequest>,
    _T = Exclude<InferEventInput<'query', Event, T>, undefined>
    event: Event
) => _T;
  • getValidatedQuery(event, validate)
  • getRouterParams(event, { decode? })
  • getRouterParam(event, name, { decode? })
  • getValidatedRouterParams(event, validate, { decode? })
  • getMethod(event, default?)
  • isMethod(event, expected, allowHead?)
  • assertMethod(event, expected, allowHead?)
  • getRequestHeaders(event, headers) (alias: getHeaders)
  • getRequestHeader(event, name) (alias: getHeader)
  • getRequestURL(event)
  • getRequestHost(event)
  • getRequestProtocol(event)
  • getRequestPath(event)
  • getRequestIP(event, { xForwardedFor: boolean })


  • send(event, data, type?)
  • sendNoContent(event, code = 204)
  • setResponseStatus(event, status)
  • getResponseStatus(event)
  • getResponseStatusText(event)
  • getResponseHeaders(event)
  • getResponseHeader(event, name)
  • setResponseHeaders(event, headers) (alias: setHeaders)
  • setResponseHeader(event, name, value) (alias: setHeader)
  • appendResponseHeaders(event, headers) (alias: appendHeaders)
  • appendResponseHeader(event, name, value) (alias: appendHeader)
  • defaultContentType(event, type)
  • sendRedirect(event, location, code=302)
  • isStream(data)
  • sendStream(event, data)
  • writeEarlyHints(event, links, callback)


  • sanitizeStatusMessage(statusMessage)
  • sanitizeStatusCode(statusCode, default = 200)


  • sendError(event, error, debug?)
  • createError({ statusCode, statusMessage, data? })


  • useBase(base, handler)


  • sendProxy(event, { target, ...options })
  • proxyRequest(event, { target, ...options })
  • fetchWithEvent(event, req, init, { fetch? }?)
  • getProxyRequestHeaders(event)
  • parseCookies(event)
  • getCookie(event, name)
  • setCookie(event, name, value, opts?)
  • deleteCookie(event, name, opts?)
  • splitCookiesString(cookiesString)


  • useSession(event, config = { password, maxAge?, name?, cookie?, seal?, crypto? })
  • getSession(event, config)
  • updateSession(event, config, update)
  • sealSession(event, config)
  • unsealSession(event, config, sealed)
  • clearSession(event, config)


  • handleCacheHeaders(event, opts)


  • handleCors(options) (see h3-cors for more detail about options)
  • isPreflightRequest(event)
  • isCorsOriginAllowed(event)
  • appendCorsHeaders(event, options) (see h3-cors for more detail about options)
  • appendCorsPreflightHeaders(event, options) (see h3-cors for more detail about options)
 * Checks if the input is an HTTPEvent object.
 * @param input - The input to check.
 * @returns True if the input is an HTTPEvent object, false otherwise.
 * @see HTTPEvent
export function isHTTPEvent(input: any): input is HTTPEvent;

type SessionDataT = Record<string, any>;
type SessionUpdate<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT> =
	| Partial<SessionData<T>>
	| ((oldData: SessionData<T>) => Partial<SessionData<T>> | undefined);

 * Read Body Utilities

 * Reads body of the request and returns encoded raw string (default), or `Buffer` if encoding is falsy.
 * @param event {HTTPEvent} H3 event or req passed by h3 handler
 * @param encoding {Encoding} encoding="utf-8" - The character encoding to use.
 * @return {String|Buffer} Encoded raw string or raw Buffer of the body
export function readRawBody<E extends Encoding = "utf8">(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	encoding?: E,
): E extends false ? Promise<Buffer | undefined> : Promise<string | undefined>;
export function readRawBody<E extends Encoding = "utf8">(
	encoding?: E,
): E extends false ? Promise<Buffer | undefined> : Promise<string | undefined>;

 * Reads request body and tries to safely parse using [destr](
 * @param event H3 event passed by h3 handler
 * @param encoding The character encoding to use, defaults to 'utf-8'.
 * @return {*} The `Object`, `Array`, `String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, or `null` value corresponding to the request JSON body
 * ```ts
 * const body = await readBody(event)
 * ```
export function readBody<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"body", Event, T>,
	event: Event,
	options?: {
		strict?: boolean;
): Promise<_T>;
export function readBody<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"body", Event, T>,
	options?: {
		strict?: boolean;
): Promise<_T>;

 * Tries to read the request body via `readBody`, then uses the provided validation function and either throws a validation error or returns the result.
 * @param event The HTTPEvent passed by the handler.
 * @param validate The function to use for body validation. It will be called passing the read request body. If the result is not false, the parsed body will be returned.
 * @throws If the validation function returns `false` or throws, a validation error will be thrown.
 * @return {*} The `Object`, `Array`, `String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, or `null` value corresponding to the request JSON body.
 * @see {readBody}
 * ```ts
 * // With a custom validation function
 * const body = await readValidatedBody(event, (body) => {
 *   return typeof body === "object" && body !== null
 * })
 * // With a zod schema
 * import { z } from 'zod'
 * const objectSchema = z.object()
 * const body = await readValidatedBody(event, objectSchema.safeParse)
 * ```
export function readValidatedBody<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"body", Event, T>,
>(event: Event, validate: ValidateFunction<_T>): Promise<_T>;
export function readValidatedBody<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"body", Event, T>,
	>(validate: ValidateFunction<_T>): Promise<_T>;

 * Tries to read and parse the body of a an HTTPEvent as multipart form.
 * @param event The HTTPEvent object to read multipart form from.
 * @return The parsed form data. If no form could be detected because the content type is not multipart/form-data or no boundary could be found.
 * ```ts
 * const formData = await readMultipartFormData(event)
 * // The result could look like:
 * // [
 * //   {
 * //     "data": "other",
 * //     "name": "baz",
 * //   },
 * //   {
 * //     "data": "something",
 * //     "name": "some-other-data",
 * //   },
 * // ]
 * ```
export function readMultipartFormData(
	event: HTTPEvent,
): Promise<MultiPartData[] | undefined>;
export function readMultipartFormData(): Promise<
	MultiPartData[] | undefined

 * Constructs a FormData object from an event, after converting it to a a web request.
 * @param event The HTTPEvent object to read the form data from.
 * ```ts
 * const eventHandler = event => {
 *   const formData = await readFormData(event)
 *   const email = formData.get("email")
 *   const password = formData.get("password")
 *  }
 * ```
export function readFormData(event: HTTPEvent): Promise<FormData>;
export function readFormData(): Promise<FormData>;

 * Captures a stream from a request.
 * @param event The HTTPEvent object containing the request information.
 * @returns Undefined if the request can't transport a payload, otherwise a ReadableStream of the request body.
export function getRequestWebStream(
	event: HTTPEvent,
): undefined | ReadableStream;
export function getRequestWebStream(): undefined | ReadableStream;

 * Request Info Utilities

export function getRequestHost(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts?: {
		xForwardedHost?: boolean;
): string;
export function getRequestHost(
	opts?: {
		xForwardedHost?: boolean;
): string;

export function getRequestProtocol(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts?: {
		xForwardedProto?: boolean;
): "https" | "http";
export function getRequestProtocol(): "https" | "http";

export function getRequestURL(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts?: {
		xForwardedHost?: boolean;
		xForwardedProto?: boolean;
): URL;
export function getRequestURL(
	opts?: {
		xForwardedHost?: boolean;
		xForwardedProto?: boolean;
): URL;

export function getRequestIP(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts?: {
		 * Use the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header set by proxies.
		 * Note: Make sure that this header can be trusted (your application running behind a CDN or reverse proxy) before enabling.
		xForwardedFor?: boolean;
): string | undefined;
export function getRequestIP(): string | undefined;

 * Request Type Utilities

export function isPreflightRequest(event: HTTPEvent): boolean;
export function isPreflightRequest(): boolean;

 * Web Request Utilities

export function getWebRequest(event: HTTPEvent): Request;
export function getWebRequest(): Request;

 * Cookie Utilities

 * Parse the request to get HTTP Cookie header string and returning an object of all cookie name-value pairs.
 * @param event {HTTPEvent} H3 event or req passed by h3 handler
 * @returns Object of cookie name-value pairs
 * ```ts
 * const cookies = parseCookies(event)
 * ```
export function parseCookies(event: HTTPEvent): Record<string, string>;
export function parseCookies(): Record<string, string>;

 * Get a cookie value by name.
 * @param event {HTTPEvent} H3 event or req passed by h3 handler
 * @param name Name of the cookie to get
 * @returns {*} Value of the cookie (String or undefined)
 * ```ts
 * const authorization = getCookie(request, 'Authorization')
 * ```
export function getCookie(event: HTTPEvent, name: string): string | undefined;
export function getCookie(name: string): string | undefined;

 * Set a cookie value by name.
 * @param event {HTTPEvent} H3 event or res passed by h3 handler
 * @param name Name of the cookie to set
 * @param value Value of the cookie to set
 * @param serializeOptions {CookieSerializeOptions} Options for serializing the cookie
 * ```ts
 * setCookie(res, 'Authorization', '1234567')
 * ```
export function setCookie(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: string,
	value: string,
	serializeOptions?: CookieSerializeOptions,
): void;
export function setCookie(
	name: string,
	value: string,
	serializeOptions?: CookieSerializeOptions,
): void;

 * Remove a cookie by name.
 * @param event {HTTPEvent} H3 event or res passed by h3 handler
 * @param name Name of the cookie to delete
 * @param serializeOptions {CookieSerializeOptions} Cookie options
 * ```ts
 * deleteCookie(res, 'SessionId')
 * ```
export function deleteCookie(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: string,
	serializeOptions?: CookieSerializeOptions,
): void;
export function deleteCookie(
	name: string,
	serializeOptions?: CookieSerializeOptions,
): void;

/** @experimental Behavior of this utility might change in the future versions */
export function getRequestFingerprint(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts?: RequestFingerprintOptions,
): Promise<string | null>;
export function getRequestFingerprint(
	opts?: RequestFingerprintOptions,
): Promise<string | null>;

 * Fetch Utilities

export function fetchWithEvent<
	T = unknown,
	_R = any,
	F extends (req: RequestInfo | URL, opts?: any) => any = typeof fetch,
	event: HTTPEvent,
	req: RequestInfo | URL,
	init?: RequestInit & {
		context?: H3EventContext;
	options?: {
		fetch: F;
): unknown extends T ? ReturnType<F> : T;
export function fetchWithEvent<
	T = unknown,
	_R = any,
	F extends (req: RequestInfo | URL, opts?: any) => any = typeof fetch,
	req: RequestInfo | URL,
	init?: RequestInit & {
		context?: H3EventContext;
	options?: {
		fetch: F;
): unknown extends T ? ReturnType<F> : T;

 * Router Param Utilities

export function getRouterParams(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts?: {
		decode?: boolean;
): NonNullable<HTTPEvent["context"]["params"]>;
export function getRouterParams(
	opts?: {
		decode?: boolean;
): NonNullable<HTTPEvent["context"]["params"]>;

export function getValidatedRouterParams<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"routerParams", Event, T>,
	event: Event,
	validate: ValidateFunction<_T>,
	opts?: {
		decode?: boolean;
): Promise<_T>;
export function getValidatedRouterParams<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"routerParams", Event, T>,
	validate: ValidateFunction<_T>,
	opts?: {
		decode?: boolean;
): Promise<_T>;

export function getRouterParam(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: string,
	opts?: {
		decode?: boolean;
): string | undefined;
export function getRouterParam(
	name: string,
	opts?: {
		decode?: boolean;
): string | undefined;

 * Query Utilities

export function getQuery<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = Exclude<InferEventInput<"query", Event, T>, undefined>,
>(event: Event): _T;
export function getQuery<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = Exclude<InferEventInput<"query", Event, T>, undefined>,
>(): _T;

export function getValidatedQuery<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"query", Event, T>,
>(event: Event, validate: ValidateFunction<_T>): Promise<_T>;
export function getValidatedQuery<
	Event extends HTTPEvent = HTTPEvent,
	_T = InferEventInput<"query", Event, T>,
>(validate: ValidateFunction<_T>): Promise<_T>;

 * Session Utilities

export function clearSession(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	config: Partial<SessionConfig>,
): Promise<void>;
export function clearSession(config: Partial<SessionConfig>): Promise<void>;

export function unsealSession(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	config: SessionConfig,
	sealed: string,
): Promise<Partial<Session<SessionDataT>>>;
export function unsealSession(
	config: SessionConfig,
	sealed: string,
): Promise<Partial<Session<SessionDataT>>>;

export function getSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	config: SessionConfig,
): Promise<Session<T>>;
export function getSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(
	config: SessionConfig,
): Promise<Session<T>>;

export function sealSession(event: HTTPEvent, config: SessionConfig): void;
export function sealSession(config: SessionConfig): void;

export function updateSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	config: SessionConfig,
	update?: SessionUpdate<T>,
): Promise<Session<T>>;
export function updateSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(
	config: SessionConfig,
	update?: SessionUpdate<T>,
): Promise<Session<T>>;

export function useSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	config: SessionConfig,
): Promise<{
	readonly id: string | undefined;
	readonly data: T;
	update: (update: SessionUpdate<T>) => Promise<any>;
	clear: () => Promise<any>;
export function useSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(
	config: SessionConfig,
): Promise<{
	readonly id: string | undefined;
	readonly data: T;
	update: (update: SessionUpdate<T>) => Promise<any>;
	clear: () => Promise<any>;

 * Header Utilities

export function getResponseHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
): ReturnType<HTTPEvent["res"]["getHeaders"]>;
export function getResponseHeaders(): ReturnType<HTTPEvent["res"]["getHeaders"]>;

export function getResponseHeader(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
): ReturnType<HTTPEvent["res"]["getHeader"]>;
export function getResponseHeader(
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
): ReturnType<HTTPEvent["res"]["getHeader"]>;

export function setResponseHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	headers: Record<HTTPHeaderName, Parameters<OutgoingMessage["setHeader"]>[1]>,
): void;
export function setResponseHeaders(
	headers: Record<HTTPHeaderName, Parameters<OutgoingMessage["setHeader"]>[1]>,
): void;

export const setHeaders: typeof setResponseHeaders;

export function setResponseHeader(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
	value: Parameters<OutgoingMessage["setHeader"]>[1],
): void;
export function setResponseHeader(
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
	value: Parameters<OutgoingMessage["setHeader"]>[1],
): void;

export const setHeader: typeof setResponseHeader;

export function appendResponseHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	headers: Record<string, string>,
): void;
export function appendResponseHeaders(headers: Record<string, string>): void;

export const appendHeaders: typeof appendResponseHeaders;

export function appendResponseHeader(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
	value: string,
): void;
export function appendResponseHeader(
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
	value: string,
): void;

export const appendHeader: typeof appendResponseHeader;
 * Remove all response headers, or only those specified in the headerNames array.
 * @param event H3 event
 * @param headerNames Array of header names to remove
export function clearResponseHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	headerNames?: string[],
): void;
export function clearResponseHeaders(headerNames?: string[]): void;

export function removeResponseHeader(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
): void;
export function removeResponseHeader(name: HTTPHeaderName): void;

export function writeEarlyHints(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	hints: string | string[] | Record<string, string | string[]>,
	cb?: () => void,
): void;
export function writeEarlyHints(
	hints: string | string[] | Record<string, string | string[]>,
	cb?: () => void,
): void;

export function getRequestHeaders(event: HTTPEvent): RequestHeaders;
export function getRequestHeaders(): RequestHeaders;

export const getHeaders: typeof getRequestHeaders;

export function getRequestHeader(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	name: HTTPHeaderName,
): RequestHeaders[string];
export function getRequestHeader(name: HTTPHeaderName): RequestHeaders[string];

export const getHeader: typeof getRequestHeader;

 * Check request caching headers (`If-Modified-Since`) and add caching headers (Last-Modified, Cache-Control)
 * Note: `public` cache control will be added by default
 * @returns `true` when cache headers are matching. When `true` is returned, no reponse should be sent anymore
export function handleCacheHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	opts: CacheConditions,
): boolean;
export function handleCacheHeaders(opts: CacheConditions): boolean;

 * Middleware Utilities

export function defineMiddleware(options: {
		| import("h3")._RequestMiddleware
		| import("h3")._RequestMiddleware[];
		| import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware
		| import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware[];
}): {
		| import("h3")._RequestMiddleware
		| import("h3")._RequestMiddleware[]
		| undefined;
		| import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware
		| import("h3")._ResponseMiddleware[]
		| undefined;

 * Async Local Storage Utilities

export function getEvent(): HTTPEvent;

 * Context Utilities

export function getContext(event: HTTPEvent, key: string): any;
export function getContext(key: string): any;

export function setContext(event: HTTPEvent, key: string, value: any): any;
export function setContext(key: string, value: any): any;

 * Proxy Utilities

export function proxyRequest(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	target: string,
	opts?: ProxyOptions,
): Promise<any>;
export function proxyRequest(
	target: string,
	opts?: ProxyOptions,
): Promise<any>;

export function sendProxy(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	target: string,
	opts?: ProxyOptions,
): Promise<any>;
export function sendProxy(target: string, opts?: ProxyOptions): Promise<any>;

export function getProxyRequestHeaders(event: HTTPEvent): any;
export function getProxyRequestHeaders(): any;

 * CORS Utilities

export function appendCorsPreflightHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	options: H3CorsOptions,
): void;
export function appendCorsPreflightHeaders(options: H3CorsOptions): void;

export function appendCorsHeaders(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	options: H3CorsOptions,
): void;
export function appendCorsHeaders(options: H3CorsOptions): void;

export function handleCors(event: HTTPEvent, options: H3CorsOptions): void;
export function handleCors(options: H3CorsOptions): void;

 * Send Response Utilities

export function send(event: HTTPEvent, data?: any, type?: string): Promise<void>;
export function send(data?: any, type?: string): Promise<void>;
 * Respond with an empty payload.<br>
 * Note that calling this function will close the connection and no other data can be sent to the client afterwards.
 * @param event H3 event
 * @param code status code to be send. By default, it is `204 No Content`.
export function sendNoContent(event: HTTPEvent, code?: number): void;
export function sendNoContent(code?: number): void;
export function setResponseStatus(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	code?: number,
	text?: string,
): void;
export function setResponseStatus(code?: number, text?: string): void;

export function getResponseStatus(event: HTTPEvent): number;
export function getResponseStatus(): number;

export function getResponseStatusText(event: HTTPEvent): string;
export function getResponseStatusText(): string;
export function defaultContentType(event: HTTPEvent, type?: string): void;
export function defaultContentType(type?: string): void;
export function sendRedirect(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	location: string,
	code?: number,
): Promise<void>;
export function sendRedirect(location: string, code?: number): Promise<void>;

export function sendStream(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	stream: Readable | ReadableStream,
): Promise<void>;
export function sendStream(stream: Readable | ReadableStream): Promise<void>;

export function sendWebResponse(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	response: Response,
): void | Promise<void>;
export function sendWebResponse(response: Response): void | Promise<void>;

 * Receives an error and returns the corresponding response.
 * H3 internally uses this function to handle unhandled errors.
 * Note that calling this function will close the connection and no other data will be sent to the client afterwards.
 * @param event {HTTPEvent} - H3 event or req passed by h3 handler.
 * @param error {Error | H3Error} - The raised error.
 * @param debug {boolean} - Whether the application is in debug mode.
 * In the debug mode, the stack trace of errors will be returned in the response.
export function sendError(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	error: Error | H3Error,
	debug?: boolean,
): void;
export function sendError(error: Error | H3Error, debug?: boolean): void;

 * Method Utilities

export function isMethod(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	expected: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[],
	allowHead?: boolean,
): boolean;
export function isMethod(
	expected: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[],
	allowHead?: boolean,
): boolean;

export function assertMethod(
	event: HTTPEvent,
	expected: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[],
	allowHead?: boolean,
): void;
export function assertMethod(
	expected: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[],
	allowHead?: boolean,
): void;